Channel: Placer County Republican Party – Right On Daily Blog
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Placer GOP Update: The Pack of Rabid Dogs in Full Effect


Last night there was a tribunal for three members of the Cent Com that committed “Serious Offenses”.

Two of the offenders – Ken Campbell and Debra Jackson – basically were let off the hook for their financial and public support of the feckless opponent to Kirk Uhler. This is how the Tea Party operates – they are so right that they are impervious to the consequences of their own actions. I sit in amazement as I watch an overwhelming majority of Tea Partiers I know take on the worst attributes of Obama in order to defeat him. (See also Narcissism)

Fresh off of having challengers they recruited against a majority of the Placer County Board of Supervisors getting shellacked across the board, they are blaming your intrepid blogger for the impending demise of the State of Jefferson, not their actions.

If you are in local government, why would you ever go to a Placer GOP event again? Give them your $25 for the local electeds reception and then have two of their leaders back your opponent! What a deal, I wonder what $250 gets you?

Lest I forget about the Placer County Transportation Tax Dog Whistle – the tax is not on the ballot yet. However, without giving the proponents of the measure a chance to make their case, the pack of rabid dogs voted to oppose it.

They are not just right, they’re really right – don’t you know…

Conclusion – if you are on the Placer GOP and you join a lynch mob against a local elected, you will get a free pass. Unless you are Mike Holmes and then you get forced to resign your position as First Vice Chair, because of someone else’s mailer.

Four years ago, Ken Campbell, Dan Catania and others led the insurrection that led to the current Placer GOP disaster. Campbell was a huge fan of Dennis Revell in 2012. Now, Campbell hates him. I’ve seen this pattern for 13 years. – it ain’t just (fill in the list of Republican electeds here) that Campbell hates, it seems to burn of control.

Dan Catania? Well, in 2012 David Stafford Reade and others got a massive Independent Expenditure targeting conservatives for elimination from the Placer GOP Cent Com. They used then-brainwashed Tea Partiers who were told what meanies we were for supporting Andy Pugno over Beth Gaines. Catania was one of their chosen candidates to help run off the Pugno supporters as GOP leadership had given a decree to avenge the Primary Challenge of Andy Pugno to an incumbent.

(If you think the hit pieces sent against Andy Pugno in 2016 had anything to do with anything other than his challenge of Gaines in 2012, you are as insane as Ken Campbell)

Catania got left off the team in 2016. I am sure others will be in 2020 when they are no longer useful. (Catania Lost)

If you like pain and suffering – go to a Placer GOP Central Committee event. If you want to incite a pack of rabid dogs who will turn on you and try to recruit opponents for you (regardless of party), go to a Placer GOP Event.

Watch. Debra Jackson or Ken Campbell are going to run for chair in 2017. Unless of course, Dennis Revell is a complete masochist.

Meantime, your intrepid blogger feels like a 5150 reporter on a reality show featuring a gas station, a trailer park and a tree stump in Oroville.

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